Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Snow!!! And Christmas songs!! (yay?)

On the 25th, it snowed.

Then, on the 26th, it snowed some more.

And by the 27th, there was a lot of snow!! More than we usually get in Vancouver during the entire winter in fact!

And now its also -10, which is also quite an anomaly for the region. But i like it that way. Anomalies that is. On another note, Sebas and i started creating our almost annual X-mas album! It'll be #3! Although this year's will be quite different than the last two in that i'll be recording the rest of the album, most likely, by myself. Has to do with some pesky family members being in "Korea" or something like that and another member "working night shifts" or something along those lines and another member "in Kelowna", like any of those are actual excuses. The nerve. So, i'll put a little taste up here for yous to peruse, and i'll be a bit busy over the next month getting another 10-15 songs made (including making up one or two more) other than the 4 we have so far. Enjoy without criticism! 'Tis almost the season.....
What do you do with a drunken Santa?
Song for a Winters Night (Gordon Lightfoot tune)
Shantie Santie (yes, i had to make this one up)


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