Tuesday, June 13, 2006

An Ode to Hermann Hesse

This latest song is actually an untitled poem written by Hermann Hesse, appearing in his 1927 book "Steppenwolf". I liked it a lot upon reading it so I decided to write a song based on it. It's a bit bizarre, but then so am I. I expect no less of myself!
the Steppenwolf

Sunday, June 11, 2006

The three

Here are 2 of the 4 latest ones, excluding the latest one. Once again, i'm still at the limit on the host site. Bear with me.
Lay Lady Lay (B.Dylan)

Saturday, June 10, 2006

ARRGGHHH!!!!!! You'll have to e-mail me...

Well, i've still been productive musically in the last number of weeks since my last post. Yes, that means that i've actually written some more songs (ugh...)
If you haven't received one of those giant group e-mails that i've sent out, or you've misplaced some stuff, i can be gotten a-hold of via klipsett@hotmail.com and simply request my newst songs! When i have time, i'll post the complete list of work that i've done so's to compare with. If you care. I understand that some people simply don't like my music and are pissed-off with me sending out songs all the time, so i'll leave it up to you, the potential listener, to request anything you don't have already. Okay? good.