Monday, April 24, 2006

Yay! Songs to listen to!

Yes, courtesy of our mutual dear friend Earl, i've managed to put the music to the masses!!! Click on the links to check them out......(i had to delete a few to make room for newer ones).....

blue barrel
a trip
a head of discipline
the earl of baconbomb
if at all

well, that's all i could do since mid-feb. i'll add more as i do them!!

*note: all songs written & recorded by Kent Lipsett, 2006.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Can't put music on a blog.....

Just searched for ways to put my songs on here.............the only way is to do an "audioblog", which involves phoning some number in the US and leaving up to a 5 minute voice message! Crap! most of my songs are longer than that. That, and they'd sound awful :( No music here......

Kent's Side Show Project

Hello! Welcome to my side show!
I am mostly one person, playing all kinds of instruments, including but not limited to: various guitars, bass, pots, metal thingys, plastic thingys, and many various vocal arrangements. I think my music is fun!